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School Games



The School Games is a programme designed to keep competitive sport at the heart of schools and provide more young people with the opportunity to compete and achieve their personal best. The Vision of the School Games will continue to make a clear and meaningful difference to the lives of even more children and young people. The School Games aims to provide every child with a positive experience in an environment where the young person’s motivation, competence and confidence are at the centre of the competition.


The Mission


Putting physical activity and competitive sport at the heart of schools and providing more young people with the opportunity to compete and achieve their personal best.





More than 18,700 schools across England are registered with the School Games website. During the 2018/19 academic year we provided 4.7 million participation opportunities for young people as part of School Games events.


The School Games is a fun and enjoyable way of engaging all young people through school sport - either as a competitor, young leader, official, or as part of a media team, focusing on blogging and promoting sport.

Sport can encourage the growth of numerous qualities within young people and we encourage teachers and event organisers to celebrate success around six key values: determination, honesty, passion, respect, self-believe and teamwork. We call this the 'Spirit of the Games'.




Link to the School Games Website -


Link to the Burford School - School Games Website -

