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Absence During Term Time


The following is guidance given by the Department for Education regarding absence during term time:


1.       The Headteacher can use their discretion to grant an authorised absence in special and exceptional circumstances only.  For example:


  • On a day exclusively set apart for religious observance by the religious body to which the parent belongs
  • Where a parent is a member of the Armed Forces and has a leave of absence from an overseas posting and wishes to spend time with their family before returning


The following will also be taken into consideration when making this decision:


  • The time of year of the proposed trip. For example during test and assessment periods, the beginning or end of a term
  • The child’s overall attendance pattern
  • Any leave of absence already taken in the school year
  • The age and stage of education of your child
  • The ability of a child to catch up the work that they will miss
  • The individual merits of each and every request


2.       Authorised absence from school for holidays during term time will not be granted for any of the following reasons:


  • Availability of cheap holidays
  • Availability of preferred accommodation
  • Poor weather experienced in school holiday periods
  • Cancelled and rearranged holidays


3.       The Education Welfare Service of Buckinghamshire County Council states that if leave of absence is taken without consultation and school authorisation, then the absence by definition is unauthorised.  Unauthorised absences are recorded formally and form part of the summative report and assessment of a pupil when they leave the school.


If you wish to make an application to take your child out of school during term time, please put your request in the form of an email to Mrs Marshall.  This email should clearly state the reasons why you wish to take your child out of school.  Mrs Marshall will respond to your request as quickly as possible.


