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Enjoy, Achieve, Succeed Together

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Burford School is delighted to offer a teacher led nursery setting for children who turn four during the academic year.


We offer:


  • A Teacher led setting supported by a Level 3 Nursery Practitioner and an Apprentice.
  • A fantastic learning environment providing children with the opportunity to play, explore and learn.
  • Access to their own fully enclosed garden with a wealth of play resources.
  • A chance to mix socially with the same group of children that they will be in Reception with (if they are allocated a place at Burford School).
  • An opportunity to join in with whole school events and use wider school facilities.
  • Small class size (maximum 26 in a session).
  • Forest School sessions in the Summer term.
  • A variety of activities including, but not limited to, art and craft, sand and water play, sensory play, stories, nature themed activities and music. Additionally, we offer daily literacy and maths games.



Every child is entitled to 15 hours of free education each week funded by the local authority. In addition, some parents may be entitled to claim a further 15 hours each week provided they meet criteria specified by the government.


Where a child attends more sessions than their free weekly entitlement, each additional session will be charged at £18.00. A session is a morning or afternoon.


Children that stay for lunch need to bring a packed lunch and an additional £3.00 is charged.


The Nursery is currently open during term time, 5 days per week from 08:40-15:10 and follows the Burford School Holidays and Inset Days.


Visiting the Nursery

If you would like to visit the Nursery, please contact the school office by email on or 01628 486655.


To apply please complete and submit the Nursery Application Form below.

Unfortunately, a place at our Nursery does not guarantee the offer of a school place, as school places are allocated by the local authority and we have no influence on this process.



