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Please see our Google Classroom Pages for details of homework.  Please ensure that you have accepted the invite to join the Year 4 Google Classrooms.


Homework will be set on a Friday.  The Grammar and Maths should be completed by the following Wednesday.  Spelling Shed word practice is to be completed by the end of Thursday.  


Each week, there will be: 



  • Children should complete their 'Daily Doodles' on a regular basis in order to stay in the green zone. To remain in the green zone, you should complete a few sessions throughout the week. (Specific assignments may be set at times, but otherwise please complete the Daily Doodles). Logins are inside each child's Reading Record (
  • Please complete your 10 garage sessions on Times Table Rockstars. It is more effective to complete a few minutes each day, rather than all 10 sessions in one sitting. Logins are inside each child's Reading Record (



Grammar Homework - usually set from the Grammar Homework book (20 mins). 

- Spelling work is set on Spelling Shed with weekly assignments to be completed. Spelling words will be quizzed in class each Friday. Logins are inside each child's Reading Record (

- Daily reading of 15-20 minutes per day at home, 5 times per week. Please record this in the Reading Record


Occasionally, there may be other homework set. This could link to our work across the curriculum. 


If you have any questions regarding homework, then please contact us.

