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Friends of Burford

This page contains news and information from Friends of Burford (FOB), our school’s Parent Teacher Association.
Friends of Burford organises events to help raise funds for the school and to improve links between staff and parents. You can find our constitution

Our goal

We aim to raise at least £12,500 per year, which helps to fund the school’s IT provision and major projects such as the hall extension and audio visual equipment, the new music room (2018) and the Reception garden revamp (summer 2019). In 2023 we were delighted to enable the school to proceed with a project to refurbish the playground apparatus which is due to be complete by the end of the year.

Our jam-packed events calendar has something for everyone, and you can find the dates posted regularly on the FOB Instagram account (FriendsOfBurford) emails and in the school newsletter. We run a number of regular events including kids’ cinema nights, discos, Walkie Talkies walking group, quiz nights and many others, but we are always on the lookout for new ideas so don’t be shy about getting in touch!


We need lots of volunteers to make all of these events possible, and it’s a great way to meet people and make new friends. Volunteering can take the shape of a one-time, half hour stint at a cake sale, to a regular spot serving refreshments at school productions and sports events. Any and all help is appreciated since we recognise how busy parents and carers are. If you would like to join our flock of volunteers, please contact the Chair for Friends of Burford, Helena Hay. She will add you to a WhatsApp group where you will be notified anytime we need help, and you can choose which events you would like to take part in.


The easiest way to keep in touch with what’s going on is to follow us on Instagram (FriendsofBurford) and also like our Facebook page: Friends of Burford School


Phone:         Helena Hay - 07951 009 626





Letters To Parents

