Please see our Google Classroom Pages for details of homework. Please ensure that you have accepted the invite to join the Year 5 Google Classrooms.
All homework will be set on a Friday and is due the following Thursday.
Maths Homework
Each week, pupils must complete the assigned Doodle task. This will be assigned every Friday based on what they have been learning or to revisit previously taught skills. They will also be expected to complete 10 garage sessions on Times Tables Rockstars.
English Homework
Grammar Homework will usually be set from the Grammar Workbooks (2-3 pages).
Spelling Homework
Each week, pupils will be set 7 sessions on Spelling Shed https://www.edshed.com/en-gb/login
These sessions are based on the spelling patterns we are looking at in class each week. The pupils will be tested on their spellings every Friday.
Reading Homework
Pupils are expected to read daily. Please record all reading in your child's Reading Record (remember this can include other texts read at home). Please remember that it is important to listen to your child read aloud whatever their age - and to read aloud to them. Please take time to discuss new vocabulary when reading.