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Enjoy, Achieve, Succeed Together

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‘Enjoy, Achieve, Succeed Together’


Burford School & Nursery 


Welcome to the Burford School & Nursery website.  Whether you are already a member of our school community, considering joining us, or just passing by, we hope that you enjoy your visit and find the information that you are looking for.


At Burford, our school vision 'to be a happy school with a love of learning at its heart, where all children and staff are nurtured within a safe environment, to reach their potential' is reinforced through our school values. We are a welcoming and inclusive school set in the heart of its local community. 


We believe passionately that it is possible and necessary to balance high expectations with kindness, compassion and nurture, so that all members of our community are supported academically, socially and emotionally to ‘Enjoy, Achieve and Succeed’ whilst at Burford.  This applies equally to our families, our staff and the wider community of Marlow Bottom.


Our strong curriculum has been designed to support these aims and is underpinned by our values: respect, perseverance, resilience, honesty, curiosity, responsibility and kindness.  At Burford School and Nursery, we value and celebrate growing a strong ‘Burford Body’ and have worked hard to make sure that this is reflected in our curriculum and in the daily life of our school.  When the time comes for our pupils to leave, they do so with the skills they need to be happy, healthy and successful learners open to future experiences.  


Everyone is welcome and included at Burford School and we are very proud of every member of our school community.


Tracey Marshall, MA (Ed) CMgr                    Sally Hillyer

Headteacher                                                 Chair of Governors


