Useful Links and Websites
Book Suggestions Book reviews and suggestions from The Reader Teacher
Accelerated Reader book finder Find out if a book is on Accelerated Reader
Times Tables Rock Stars Practice times tables
Book Trust website Great recommendations for book appropriate to different age groups
National Geographic Kids Wonderful website for all fact-loving, world-wise children.
Top Marks Lots of educational, interactive games for all ages here.
Dance Mat Touch Typing A wonderful online resource from the BBC for practicing touch typing skills
BBC History for Kids Website with lots of historical information
NASA Kids Club Great website for children who love space
Natural History Museum Wonderful, at-home ideas for exploring natural history
Tate Kids Excellent website for children who love art
Online Safety for Children NSPCC offer advice to parents on keeping their children safe online
Childline Online Safety Advice Online safety advice for children
CEOP Think U Know website Interactive game with important messages for 8 - 10 year olds about staying safe online.
Learn English Kids Website developed by the British Council for children learning English as an additional language
Oak National Academy Lots of lesson ideas and activities, video resources linked to our National Curriculum