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Governing Body Structure

Governing Body Structure


Burford School – Governors Organisation 2024/25


The instrument of Government effective 11th February 2015 states the Burford School has 16 governors:-

Under the instrument the Governing Body shall consist of:-


  • Four Parent Governors
  • One LA Governor
  • One Staff Governor
  • One Headteacher
  • Nine co-opted Governors


Effective September 2024, the following individuals are governors at Burford School.


Parent Governors:                             Sonia Johal, Craig Robertson, 2 x vacancies


LA Governor:                                     Vacant


Headteacher:                                     Tracey Marshall 


Co-opted Governors:                       Hannah Gallimore, Jane Hawksworth, Sally Hillyer,                                                                                             Judy Puddephatt, Rachel Rayner, Becs Steele, Kevin Steele,                                                                              Graham Watts, Bruce Watt              


Staff Governor:                                Vacant                     


Governors effective September 2024, hold the following positions:-


Chair                                                   Sally Hillyer


Vice Chair                                           Kevin Steele


SEND Governor                                 Bruce Watt                               


Safeguarding Governor                    Hannah Gallimore


Pupil Premium Governor                  Craig Robertson


Development Governor                    Sally Hillier


Performance Governor                    Jane Hawksworth


Diversity & Equalities Governor      Sonia Johal


Health & Safety Governor                Jane Hawksworth  


GDPR Governor                                Becs Steele


Assessment Governor                     Kevin Steele


English Governor                             Jane Hawksworth


Maths Governor                                 Sally Hillyer


Science Governor                             Rachel Rayner


Wellbeing Governor                          Graham Watts


Early Years Governor                        Sonia Johal


The Governing Body delegate powers to two committees, Curriculum and Management  

