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Please see our Google Classroom Pages for details of homework.  Please ensure that you have accepted the invite to join the Year 3 Google Classrooms.


All homework will be set on a Friday and will need to be returned to school the following Thursday.


Each week, there will be: 



- Doodle Assignments - Children should log on to Doodle Maths, using their username and password which can be found in the front of their reading record.

- Weekly sessions to be completed on Times Tables Rockstars- 10 per week.



Grammar Homework -  set from the Grammar Homework book.

- Spelling Practice - Children should log on to Spelling Shed, using their username and password which can be found in the front of their reading record. - 5 games per week.

- Daily reading of 10-15 minutes per day at home, 5 times per week. Please record this in the Reading Record.

