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Junior Road Safety Officers

Junior Road Safety Officers (JRSOs) play a vital role in raising road safety awareness and promoting the positive impact that sustainable transport has on our wellbeing and the environment.


Pupils in Year 5 apply at the beginning of the academic year to be a JRSO and those who are selected receive guidance, from our Wellbeing and Physical Health Lead; Mrs Richter. This prepares the JRSOs for the role so that they can present assemblies on road safety topics and organise safe and active travel activities for the local community. They are positive role models who have an interest in the environment and understand the importance of wellbeing and road safety.


At Burford School, the Junior Road Safety Officer Programme forms an integral part of our wellbeing ethos. We strongly believe in the benefits of pupils promoting important road safety, wellbeing and environmental messages as it provides the opportunity to gain confidence, improve communication skills, enhance a positive sense of self, increase problem-solving abilities and foster a sense of inclusion.


Important Events throughout the Year (Dates TBC)



TravelWise Week                                                                                                        

World Car Free Day 

Cycle to School Week 



International Walk to School Month 

National Walk & Roll to School Day 

Be Bright Be Seen Week 



Road Safety Week 



Children’s Mental Health Week    5th-11th February 2024



Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel 



National Bike and Roll to School  

Walk to School Week 



Ant-idling Day/Clean Air Day 

Brake Kids Walk 




