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Year 6 Homework

Please see our Google Classroom Pages for details of homework.  Please ensure that you have accepted the invite to join the Year 6 Google Classrooms.


The attached slide details regular homework expectations for Year 6.  There may be some weeks where homework is not given: this will usually be when the children have a very busy week at school or where we do not consider homework that week to be in the interests of their wellbeing, for example, on assessment weeks.  


As a school, we do not expect homework to be completed over holiday periods however children in Year 6 may be offered optional homework over the Easter holidays.  It is a family decision should this homework be completed.


We consider our homework offer to be reasonable, manageable and appropriate in preparing children for their next step into secondary school.  If your child has concerns about completion of homework, please contact their class teacher or ask your child to speak to their class teacher.

